good times

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Baby Jack is here !

I'm a daddy! Words can not tell you how emotional the last 24 hours have been. Joanne did so well and she had the best delivery I could have ever imagined. If you haven't heard the stats already, Jack Takayuki Hirotsu was born last night, January 22nd at 9:48pm. He was 6 lb 9 oz and 21 inches long and completely adorable. Yeah...I cried.

As noted in the last entry, we showed up at the hospital at 9:00 yesterday morning and with a little help from some fantastic drugs, she was ready to start delivering him by 9:00 last night. We had 13 friends and family cheering for us in the waiting room that night and have had tons more visitors between friends, family, and Joanne's many coworkers. Joanne is doing great now and we should be going home tomorrow some time. I could go on and on, but that's not why you are here. You wanna see some pictures. Well, here ya go.

He's amazing.

He's cute.

Jack Takayuki Hirotsu


Anonymous said...

Congrats you guys! I know that you'll rock at the parent thing. Any help I can give just let me know.

Anonymous said...

First time a blog made me want to cry. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Great looking kid, he looks like he is already dreaming about Legos and Star Wars. Congrats to Mama and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Very niiiiice! Congrats to you two.

Unknown said...

I never really believed in love at first sight...until I saw little Jack Jack. I miss him already =( Super cute pictures, Russ. Steph and I can't wait to have you guys back home.
Hey Joanne! I knew you were going to be a tough little mama! We are so glad you are feeling healthy and strong. Whatever you need, we're there for ya :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I have a feeling Jack's going to be the topic of a lot blog entries in the future. Maybe even more than Burger King Star War toys. Cute boy, good pictures.

Ferg said...

Wow, baby Jack is amazingly adorable! That is one seriously cuddle-able kid. I can't wait to come meet him this summer. I trust your smiles will still be shinning bright!

l0 said...

Congrats guys! Can't wait to see the little one.

Miss Lala said...

i can't stop looking at these pictures! i bring them every few hours and fall in love all over again. he's just too perfect!

Anonymous said...

Awww. I'm excited to meet Jack! He's too cute. Congratulations to you both!