good times

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

We're back !

Oh, it's so sad and depressing. April 27th?!? Where are my priorities? A week and a half without blog updates? Well, I'm back on it. What's new? Well, the Lakers have been eliminated during the NBA Playoffs, so now the basketball season is officially over. But hopefully you saw the amazing ending to Game 4 where Kobe made TWO last second shots to close out regulation and overtime. Oh, well. Maybe next year.
We've had some great weekends recently. Karin and Jason had their 60's wedding (which I still have yet to post pictures from). And 2 weekends ago, Joanne and her friends had their unofficial (but probably way better) high school reunion in Vegas! Lara did all the planning of the trip and she did a great job.

I thought I'd post up a few pictures from the event. I had the honorable responsibility of driving all 5 of the girls in the van. It was a great time. We had dinner at Kahunaville in Treasure Island (where we stayed) once we got into town.

KahunavilleThe girlies

We spent Saturday at the Treasure Island pool where we had an awesome cabana to save us from the fierce sun.

Pool view from our room.Lara ready to attack the nachos !

That night we had dinner at SW Steakhouse at the Wynn. We even had our own separate room with a power table for all 14 of us.

WynnSW Steakhouse

Although they offered selections of Japanese and Australian Kobe beef (for $34/ounce!), I opted for the standard Bone-in Ribeye that all steakhouses are measured by. Joanne had a French Hen which was also fantastic. (Note: SW Steakhouse is now ranked #2 on my list...#1 still being Delmonico's at the Venetian)

Bone-in Ribeye...fantasticFrench Hen
Here's the crew hanging out at the bar.
The Reunion.

That night we say Avenue Q at the Wynn. It was a great show! Vulgar puppets! It was like an adult version of Sesame Street. I recommend it.

Avenue Q at the WynnIt looks like Sesame Street.
Soon it was time to head home, but at least I was up $200 (in gambling terms only)! On the way out, we saw this amazing spectacle. These girls just finished their bachelorette party weekend and this is their jam-packed luggage cart. That's obsane!

Check out these ladies' luggage !

And the drive home. The reason these pictures are so clear is that we were moving 0 miles per hour for a good 2 hours of our drive.

Views of the drive home.Parking lot on I-15....7 hour drive.

And here's one of my favorite views during road trips. I like to call it "The Attack of the Killer Powerlines." This is what it would look like if alien powerline structure armies came down and took over the world.

The Powerline Domination
And if you must see more pictures, go here.

1 comment:

Miss Lala said...

good to see you have your priorities back in order! above all must blog.

really though, did the nachos photo have to be in the post?