good times

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Triple Birthday !

On Saturday, we had a super birthday extravaganza! Triple Birthday! It was the birthdays for two Glenn's (Inanaga and Ige) and a Joanne. We went to PF Chang's to have dinner and then we went back to our place for post-party and cake celebration.

The crew in front of PF Chang's

Birthday gifts have become somewhat systematic, but no one really complains too much. Best Buy Gift Cards for group gifts are clearly the most common solution to any birthday gift. We've even reached a point where making any attempt to hide the group birthday card during the signing process is gone.

3 group birthday cards !

When it's birthday time, it's photo cake time. This time around, I chose a 3-headed monster for their cake:


And everytime we have a get-together, there's almost always a Presto Update. He's sure getting talented. He's always loved to drink directly out of water bottles and now he's taking off the cap and putting it back on between sips! Check him out!

Take off the cap.Now put the cap back on.

1 comment:

Ferg said...

Nice knockers on the three-headed beast