good times

Friday, May 12, 2006

Russell vs. Russel

It's an ongoing battle for the last 27 years of my life. I understand that there's often multiple spellings for people's first names...but shouldn't the most common version be the one that people assume first? When I go to Starbucks and tell them my name is "Russell," 8 times out of 10 they write down "Russel" instead. Why is that? Is it that much easier to write?


Chang recently made a
post about Google Trends, which is a very cool program where you can compare search terms for their popularity. I decided to put Russell against Russel, to see which is searched more on the internet. Look at the results:


See? Russell wins. And since Russell is also a very popular last name (thus skewing results), I found this chart which compares Russell to Russel to Russ. The only sad news is that the number of Russells are diminishing. I'm becoming a rarity!

1 comment:

Gina Fujikami said...

Very thorough research! :) I think that writing the last "l" may be a bit too much for people in a hurry. I get "Gena" a lot at Starbucks. That's okay if "Russell" is becoming a rarity... makes your name more unique!