good times

Monday, May 22, 2006

Conspiracy !


Despite the insanely bad reviews of The Da Vinci Code last week, we went to go check it out this past weekend. I thought it was pretty good and enjoyable. I didn't read the book (cause I don't read), but Joanne did and she enjoyed it, too. Then why the heck is it getting 16% reviews on Rotten Tomatoes? (now recovering to 22%) Why were people leaving halfway through the movie at the film festivals? Why? Because that's what the news's a conspiracy. Since this movie questions Christianity, I think it's a religious conspiracy. Hello? It's just a movie! How can a horrible movie like Daredevil get a 44% positive review and double the score on The Da Vinci Code? Conspiracy.

I thought it was a pretty fun movie to watch. A little long, but not that bad. Anyway, don't avoid this movie like the plague (like I almost did because of the reviews).

1 comment:

Chang Kim said...

Good to know. I was prepared to wait for DVD, but I may give it a shot in theaters. I gotta say though, you're the first person I know to try and pin the right-wing religion label on the media, unless we're talking about Fox News.