good times

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I had a feeling this would happen...

I knew I wouldn't get around to updating the blog while we were gone. Just having so much fun over here. We've been just about everywhere and done just about everything...and more importantly, eaten just about everything.

Flew into Tokyo, went to Yokohama and Kamakura, then traveled down to my relatives in Iwakuni, visited in Hiroshima and Miyajima, then traveled to Kyoto, and now back in Tokyo. And we did all of our major traveling on the Shinkansen (bullet train). Here's a picture of one of the ones we rode on:


When we went to Yokohama, we went up the Landmark Building which is 69 floors tall and has one of the world's fastest elevators. It had a speedometer! Here's a view from the top:


We also went to Kamakura where we saw the Big Buddha statue (Daibutsu). Very cool.


My relatives also own a Gyu-Kaku restaurant in Iwakuni. That's right! The same chain that's in America! We ate there for dinner one night.

Gyu-Kaku in Japan

Tomorrow we will be back on the airplane making the slightly shorter flight back (the way up was just shy of 12 hours). But, it will be another fun flight since we barely slept on the way to Tokyo. They have a super entertainment system that has 60 on-demand movies (you can fast forward/rewind and start when you want), lots of TV shows, and lots of video games. They even had video games we could play against each other from our seats. The remote control doubles as a video game controller. Joanne and I played Battleship on the way to Tokyo, but we only played twice since I won both times.


We'll be back soon. Can't wait to be home.


Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear more about it. Eddy and I really missed you guys!

Ferg said...

Hi Russell! Your trip looks amazing and I can't wait to hear all about it. Come back soon, it's lonely in 7060M :(

Miss Lala said...

egad! finally!! russ, you know your blog is my life!! hello? it's what i live for! thank goodness this empty feeling i've had for the last 2 weeks will be gone soon. =P~

missed you guys!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean Lara...this blog is where I keep up on current affairs..yes sad I know, but true.

Oh hey Steph congratulations Ms. Viola!!!!

All your pics are awesome Joanne and Russ! Mt. Fujii....superb! Don't forget I need a blow up of the best pic okay!