good times

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween !

We had a Halloween Party on Saturday night and didn't make costumes mandatory. Sorry, we were just happy to have the party during our jet lag recovery. But, to our surprise, lots of costumes showed up! Check 'em out:

Donald Dog

Donald Dog

Jacob the Monkey (a little unhappy after touching the Halloween tree)

Jacob the Monkey

The Sasaki Fire Department

The Sasaki Fire Department

with Amy as the Fire Engine and Daniel as the Dalmatian:

Amy driving her fire engine.Daniel taking action on our tree.

And Presto as the fireman:

Presto the Fireman.

Farmer Glenn

Farmer Glenn

The Village People (with Hilari the Indian)

The Village People:  Amy and Hilari

Jimmy the Hollywood Actor

Jimmy's costume:  Hollywood actor.

Glenn and Denise as the Wedding Guests

Glenn and Denise's costumes:  Wedding Guests

Joanne as Sleepy Girl

Joanne's costume:  Sleepy Girl.

Buster the Japanese Dog (he had 3 costumes)

Buster in his Japanese outfit

And everyone loved our Halloween Tree, right?

Our Halloween Tree

Other highlights of the evening: Daniel working on his Yodagami (he only got through one and a half pages of the five) and Presto drinking from the big bottle.

Daniel working on Yodagami.Presto goin for the big bottle.

Later that night, Joanne designed and carved our Halloween pumpkin. It turned out great! Say hello to Darth Pumpkin:

Our Darth Vader Pumpkin

Hope you all have a great Halloween and hopefully I can post up pictures from our Japan trip soon.


Chang Kim said...

Darth Pumpkin was very well done. :)

Miss Lala said...

you better keep the halloween tree up and the donald dog costume out for when we get together again or i may become violent.

now then, let's get on this. pick a date already. i miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

I swear Buster Brown is too cute for words. Donald Duck was too cute on him....the bee Pimp was awesome with Buster's huge chest of hair sticking out....and then the Japanese vest was perfect on him.

Hey come some of the pics are distorted?

Don't worry Lara....that crazy Halloween tree is staying up until like Thanksgiving or something Russ said....

Everyone's costumes were awesome...Preston....too cute....everyone at work (when I showed them the blog) all went awww when they saw Preston smiling in his fireman worked that monkey....that costume fit you so perfectly!

But is definitely the most realistic costume....I mean Michiko really...your costume was awesome...but hard to beat Hollywood.....when he has access to all those Hollywood costumes and make-up.

Russell said...

Distorted pictures? Really? Maybe it's the web browser. Everything looks alright to me.

Yeah, that tree should be up until Valentines. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay yeah not Valentine's did take some sort to put it up, but Valentine's...yeah no.

Yeah maybe it is my browser then...I am on explorer....there are lines through the pictures and the colors change between the they go darker and then lighter

Drewby said...

"It's a [dang] shame what they did to that dog."

Anonymous said...

Hollywood called it animal abuse. Or was it dog abuse? Oh no...animal cruelty.

Oh hey Russ....the pictures don't look distorted today...just thought I would tell you. Or my eyes are just working today.