good times

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Backstroke of the West

Reading other peoples' blogs allows you to find some great material. Being a big Star Wars fan, I thought it necessary to include it here.

Behold... Star Wars Episode III: Backstroke of the West


What is Backstroke of the West? It's the name of Star Wars Episode III, but translated from English to Chinese and back to English again. (Yes, they didn't even translate things properly that were written in English on the screen) Brilliant. What's even better is that the entire movie was translated in this manner.

Someone got their hands on a pirated version of Episode III that was first translated to Chinese, but then brought it back to English for our own entertainment. Here's a great scene where Anakin says, "Obi-wan, may the force be with you."


Check out even more screenshots from Star Wars Episode III: Backstroke of the West. They're all fantastic! You have to check them all out!

The wish power are together with you.


l0 said...

Those are Awesome!

Anonymous said...

"Do not want"...I think I'm going to stick with "Noooooooooo".