good times

Thursday, August 25, 2005

My Colorado Rendezvous

Colorado9Greetings from Colorado! I am over here in Boulder, Colorado on business and I tried my best to make it less business, more pleasure. It's great up here...and you'll think I didn't get any work done. That's the point.

Colorado15Things started off on the right foot with the rental car I got. With a free upgrade, I made off with the Buick Rendezvous, a luxury clone of the Pontiac Aztek. And you probably all know how much I love the Aztek (so ugly it's great). This bad boy is ready for battle!


After my first day of work (Wednesday), I drove down to visit Dave and Miyuki's new house in Highlands Ranch. And if you're from California, you might not want to read this part (mainly you, Joanne). Their house is beautiful! In Southern Cal it would definitely be a million dollar home. It's disgusting really. On my way to their house, I saw signs for condos starting in the 140s. 140s! So, here it is:



Here is their view out their window (which is 2 floors tall). They get beautiful sunsets and a nice open field in their backyard. It's just not right.

They have an overpassing bridge on the second floor (here is the view looking down into their family room). And they have a gigantic basement downstairs!


And their gourmet kitchen...


Anyway, I'm jealous. That night we went to have dinner at the Trail Dust Steak House which is like a restaurant straight out of Texas! It was a big place and had live western music, square dancing, a huge 2-story indoor slide (seriously), and all the waiters/waitresses in cowboy outfits. As 3 asians, we blended in like trees in a forest. I finished my 20 oz. Porterhouse. Woo hoo! Thanks, Miyuki and Dave, for an awesome dinner and a fun time.



This morning I woke up a little earlier to take a nice drive up
Flagstaff Road into the mountains. What a fantastic view!




I drove up to Lost Gulch Overlook about 4.5 miles up the road. I even found some hikers up there to take my picture.

Colorado24After work today, I drove out to check out the Pearl Street Mall located between 11th and 15th Streets just north of the University of Colorado. It's an awesome walking mall that has a cozier feeling than 3rd Street Promenade.


Tonight, I met with Miyuki and Dave again and we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Japango on Pearl Street. Very americanized, but it was pretty dang good. We had lots of sushi. Mmmm...


On Pearl Street we saw a couple street performers including this unicyling flame juggler. Cool.

Colorado28And to top the night off, we had some Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Here you can see Miyuki trying to decide what ice cream to get. Apparently she has a history of making it a pretty difficult decision. She did it in under 2 minutes tonight. Good job!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go back to LA. I haven't seen Joanne since Sunday!


Chang Kim said...

I haven't seen Gina since Tuesday...

...July 5th.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Sayuri since 10 seconds ago.

Gina Fujikami said...

Wow, that's a cool looking house! Sorry, I missed your Google Talk call tonight, Russ, but I was watching a Korean drama show...I'm getting hooked on 'em! See you and Joanne in a week!