good times

Friday, June 08, 2007


VitaminwaterI'm sure by now many of you have run across the term 'dragonfruit.' What is dragonfruit? Is it a real thing? Just recently, we've been drinking some Vitaminwater and noticed that one of the flavors contains dragonfruit. If I recall correctly, one of Buster's dog shampoos contained it. Well, we had to get to the bottom of this fruit.

Dragonfruit is properly known as pitaya. Pitaya is a cactus fruit that originates from Mexico and South America. They changed the name of the fruit to boost sales...which worked like a charm. Check out how crazy it looks! No wonder they call it dragonfruit!
(via Wikipedia)


And if you thought that was crazy looking, check out the inside!


Of course it's rich in vitamins, prevents diseases, reduces cholesterol, and all that good stuff. And now you can tell all your friends all about dragonfruit.


Miss Lala said...

joanne, please take note: i have not called your child *dragon* in over a month.

if it starts back up again, blame your husband's blogging.

Miss Lala said...

in fact, i may start calling him your little dragonfruit.

yes. yes i like it. it shall be done!