good times

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

More fun with Jack

Jack is 4.5 months old now and he's been quite busy the past few weeks.

Who's upside down?

Last month, Jack was introduced to Buddhism (kinda like a Baptism). He wore a tie to celebrate the occasion.

Ready for Hatsumairi
Jack's Hatsumairi

Jack also started up with solid foods. Well, rice cereal is hardly solid, but he likes eating with his spoon! Honestly, I think he just likes eating.

Jack's First CerealJack's First Cereal
Look at that smile!
Jack's First Cereal

Jack's neck and legs are getting real strong these days. He can hold up his head nice and steady now...unless he gets real excited. His legs are also getting real powerful. He's been using his Boppy to work in some leg exercises to prepare for crawling. That's when things will get crazy.

Ready for push-upsPush ups
Jack also loves playing with his feet now that he figured out how to grab them.

Are those my feet?
I sure wish I was still on my 4 week vacation.

1 comment:

Miss Lala said...

i still don't understand why they don't make those cradle swings for adults.

keep the jack pics comin'! :D