good times

Monday, June 18, 2007

Star Wars Robot Chicken

I've posted scenes from Star Wars Robot Chicken in the past, but last night they had an entire Robot Chicken episode dedicated to Star Wars. It was fantastic! Thanks, Chang, for letting me know it was on TV.

My favorite 3 scenes:
1. The Emperor on the phone with Darth Vader.
2. What really happened with Walrusman in the Cantina.
3. When Jar Jar meets Darth Vader.

You can watch the whole episode online! (LINK)


Anonymous said...

Okay that is too funny! You still have it right Russ? I so need to come over and watch it! I am going to need you to translate some parts for me....those really short clips I didn't get.

The emperor on the phone...Aluminum Falcon....Padamame...hahahaha

Ferg said...

How funny! My sister just sent this link to me too and I 'bout fell out of my chair. Jar Jar was the best. I'm surprised there wasn't more Yoda stuff!