good times

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ice Sculpture

Check out these guys putting the finishing touches on their amazing ice sculpture. (LINK)



Anonymous said...

Dude that is horrible! I feel so sorry for them!!!

But how come the video doesn't keep playing? It only continuously plays for like 1 second then it I have to click on the bar again.

Russell said...

Your computer must be funny.

Miss Lala said...

can you believe this tragedy? i told them they were being a little too ambitious with that sculpture of me.

i said, "listen boris, i really think you ought to have more support under really took some liberties with my chest area and it looks pretty heavy."

but did they listen to the blonde girl? NO! and look what happened!


Chang Kim said...

You looked lovely in ice, Miss Lala. Tragedy indeed.

Even though I knew what was coming based on the comments, I still let out a loud yelp when it happened. Hilariously awful. :)

Anonymous said...

That was you Miss Lala! You know the artist won't listen to the are just pretty to look're fun.

My computer is not funny...doesn't make me laugh.