good times

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Farewell, Mini.

It's not often that I post a blog entry about things that aren't "good times". But, it's time I let go of the Mini. With baby on the way, I'll be needing something with a little more room. So, I must cherish my final moments with the Mini and bid farewell to the fun it's provided. No more fast-action cornering, no more stick shift, no more farking spots, and no more squeezing into tight parallel parking spots. I'll miss you, buddy.


Speaking of parallel parking, I was never this good. (LINK)


Anonymous said...

It's a sad, sad day.....

Miss Lala said...

okay okay, i'll give you this, saying goodbye is hard... but hello... this means car shopping!

i can't believe there was no mention of what possible options are. spill it!

some of us need to live vicariously.

Russell said...

Alright, alright. I think all other options have been eliminated already. We're looking at getting an Acura TL. It's a grown-up car!

Ferg said...

Oh my god, this is shocking!! I never thought you'd have to let go of our dear friend Mini. At least it will be forever immortalized on google maps. Twice.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused...the mini is plenty big for one baby! guys must be having twins and not telling us! You're having twins?!?!

l0 said...

An automatic?!?!

Anonymous said...

Eddy...not funny. My uterus and I are not amused!