good times

Monday, July 10, 2006

Use your head, Zidane !

Don't know if you caught the World Cup Final yesterday, but it was pretty crazy. Pretty decent game although I'm still not sure how I feel about the entire game being decided with a penalty kick shootout. The real news of the game is how Zinedine Zidane shamefully headbutted Italian Marco Materazzi in the last minutes of overtime. (Click here to see it) One of the best players of the game and he ends his soccer career with a low class act like that. Not only that, but he didn't even get to make any penalty kicks to decide the game (something he is known for). Zidane still won the Golden Ball award (player of the game) despite his act. Maybe it was his cool name.


In the end, Italy took the win over France because of a penalty kick that failed to go in. What's up with that, by the way? France's one goal was earned by a penalty kick...when penalty kicks go in the majority of the time. I don't know about that. Italy makes an amazing header for their goal and France makes theirs by flopping near the goal. My solution...2 goalies for all penalty kicks. How great would that be? Then, making a penalty kick would mean something. (and you might even catch moments where the goalies collide)

Oh well, maybe next World Cup. 2 goalies!


Miss Lala said...

i'm sorry, but i thought the head butt was hilarious. (even though it was totally stupid on ZZ's part.) it was kind of like hockey meets soccer.

i say, more head butts! and i absolutely vote for the 2 goalie rule in overtime shootouts. good call russ!

here is my thing though, what was up with the dude running around in his tighty-whities? not that i had a problem with it. HA! =P~

Chang Kim said...

Shootouts vary. Earlier in the tournament, there was a shootout where Switzerland didn't score. Sometimes you're the foot, and sometimes you're the ass...

After the Zidane incident, Eddy texted me this one-word beauty: Zigone.


Russell said...

Why you gotta ruin all the fun, Chang? 2 GOALIES!!!

Russell said...

Be Zidane!