good times

Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Birthday, Russ-O!!

Just wanted to wish Russell a very Happy Birthday!

Classy Russ

Wait! How old is he going to be again?


That's probably not a good indicator...


Anonymous said...

It's actually Joanne that posted it...I think the computer was shocked that I posted something and it didn't compute. :P

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Russ! I love the Airzooka picture! Hope you have a fun-filled day (and weekend.)

Chang Kim said...

Happy 28th! Hopefully I get down there soon to celebrate with you.

l0 said...

I like the first picture. I'll have a drink or 12 on your behalf this weekend. Have a Happy day dude!

Miss Lala said...

happy belated! i was sans-computer yesterday. boooo.

see you tomorrow for some aloha-style celebrating! =)