good times

Monday, June 19, 2006

RPS Championship Recap

If you didn't get around to watching the Rock Paper Scissors Championship this past Saturday (which is just about all of you), I will provide you with all the great details. Apparently the USARPS (USA Rock Paper Scissors) League just recently started in January 2006, so this was the first annual USARPS Championship. It's great to be able to get in on the bottom floor of history in the making. Here is what I learned by watching this 1-hour TV special:

- The tournament is single-elimination with 64 contenders competing for $50,000.
- Each throw of rock, paper, or scissors is considered an engagement. The best of 3 engagements is a set. The best of 3 sets is a match.
- Each throw is performed with 3 pumps and a throw. 1-2-3-throw, not 1-2-throw.
- "Paper" can only be thrown horizontally. If it's palm up, it's called "serving the subpoena."
- Three "Rocks" in a row is called a "Caveman."
- 50% of all people start with Rock. 53% of all women start with Scissors. 68% of all women with short hair start with Scissors.
- Just about every contender has a nickname and costume.
- Like every good sporting event footage (including the spelling bee), background stories of select competitors were shown.
- Always release your throw at the last moment. Rookies often release their throw too early, allowing the opponent to telegraph their throw. This move is called "The Western Union."

Still questioning the strategy of RPS? Look here for the Science of RPS.

The highlight of the tournament was when two guys were on their third set, each with 1 win. The next throw determined their fate. They then threw down 9 ties in a row with the last 4 throws being rocks. Then, on the same throw, one threw paper in attempt of covering the repeating rock. Expecting his opponent's move, the other guy came back with scissors to take the win. I give that one the RPS Play of the Game.

In the end Dave "The Drill" McGill took down Robert "Fast-Twitch" Twitchel in the third set with paper covering rock. Watch the final round here.


Anonymous said...


Interesting stats, Russ.

Anonymous said...

Good old rock. Nothing beats rock. - H.Simpson