good times

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


We went to check out Cars on Friday night in Downey. The bummer was that 2 of our friends were supposed to meet up with us, but were waiting for us at The Bridge! (the movie theater we normally go to) Sorry it didn't work out, Shuji and Lori. Next time.

Anyway, I thought the movie was pretty good. Classic Pixar. You can tell Pixar is getting even more advanced with their animation. The racing scenes were amazing! You could see the rubber burn off the tires! It was great. (I can get excited about any movie with cars in it) The story was pretty good, but the movie was a little long (almost 2 hours). It could've been edited down a bit more in the beginning. I'd recommend the movie if you haven't seen it already. Cars made $60 million this past weekend...not as much as their recent successes. If you go out and see it, there's stuff at the end of the credits (albeit not as interesting as the X3 ending).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did enjoy the movie....Mack was cute. The intro part when Lighting McQueen is coming out...dude it looks real! The way the light shined off his glossy was amazing!