good times

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Baby Hirotsu Update

And now some news from in the womb...

Baby Hirotsu is in his/her 10th week now and everything is going fantastic! The pod (amniotic sac) is way bigger now and the little bambino is now almost an inch long! We definitely saw legs, a head, a body, and of course, the heartbeat. Our next update won't be for another month and we're getting closer and closer to finding out if it's a him or a her! The circle at the top of the pod is the yolk sac and to the right is our little teddy bear lying down with its head to the left. (It's sleeping)



Chang Kim said...

"the little bambino is now almost an inch long"

That's great, Russ, but way more info than we needed to know...and what does it have to do with your baby?

I like the nickname, though.

Miss Lala said...

i'm so excited about this baby, i can't even express it in words.

but i am ashamed to say that not even the love for this child was enough to keep my sense of humor out of the gutter.

chang, sometimes i think you and i were separated at birth.

Anonymous said...


Chang Kim said...

Probably. I always sensed that my real parents were tall and blond, with senses of humor in the vicinity of a gutter. ;)