good times

Monday, June 12, 2006

Bun in the oven.

Great news! I'm gonna be a daddy! And Joanne's gonna be a mommy! Recently we found out that in just 9 months our lives will be changing forever. Buster found out that he wasn't going to be an only child for long. We've just recently shared the information with our family and we thought we'd celebrate by making it public on the internet!

The due date of our baby is set for January 24, 2007, so we have quite a while to prepare for this wonderful event.

Here is Baby Hirotsu's most recent picture (via ultrasound). He/She is the one that looks like the little worm with a halo. That halo isn't actually the's the yolk sac. The little embryo is only 4.9 mm in length...and that "huge" pod it's in is only 1 inch big. (Joanne says it's an amniotic sac...apparently babies don't grow in pods) We saw our baby's heart beat...that was just amazing.


We're so excited and we'll be spending the next several months gearing up for the big'll be sure to hear updates along the way.


Chang Kim said...

You guys are gonna be great parents...though the kid is going to be a pranking terror!

Miss Lala said...

woohoo! baby post #1!!! looking forward to tons more!

ummm, there is a certain photo that i was hoping was going to be posted...

congratulations guys!

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe that I am going to be an Auntie! This baby is going to be getting so much attention....and just attention to all of you out there...I am going to be quite the hog when it comes to the baby's attention....I won't be able to help it and I just want to prematurely tell everyone..."I am so sorry."

Thank you Joanne and Russ!

Gina Fujikami said...

Woohoo! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I am so very happy for the both of you! I know you two are going to be wonderful parents! I just hope that Joanne is strong enough to make sure that Russell doesn't name the baby Luke or Leia...or Han or Chewie! ha ha

Anonymous said...

So exciting -- Congratulations!!!