good times

Monday, February 27, 2006

Talk in Third Person Day !

It's coming! I've talked to a few people in the past about creating "Talk in Third Person Day." Well now it has become a reality. This Friday, 3/3, will be the first annual Ti3P Day. The rules are easy. Just talk in the third person all day long. Russell thinks it's a great idea. Russell thinks you'll have fun. Russell wants you to spread the word! It's only 4 days away!

I even started a website. For more info go to:



Anonymous said...

Very Strong!!! Michael is down!! Michael can't wait until Friday!!

Anonymous said...

Russell, you should email Kevin & Bean about this...they would totally dig this :) Maybe they would even put you on the radio! "You complete Jerry." I love it!

Russell said...

Dude, I already did.

Chang Kim said...

I'll do my best to publicize it up North. :)

Miss Lala said...

oh my gosh, bob dole is going to pee his pants! his day has finally come!

lara is soooo in for Ti3P Day!!!