good times

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Merry Christmas !

What? It's never too late to celebrate Christmas, right? This past weekend we got together with our relatives in Davis to celebrate a slightly belated Christmas. You can say we did it to beat the holiday traffic, but then again, we delayed it to Presidents' Day Weekend. Not too smart. Anyway, it was a great time and we just hung out all weekend. Yeah, everyone played Pounce (card game) again.

Of course...Pounce.

We even had our annual gift exchange where we can steal gifts from each other. The rules: each gift can only be stolen once per round and a total of three times before it's frozen. (I'm just writing it down now since we always forget) Look at the pile of gifts!

Look at all the gifts!

Merry Christmas! This weekend must be New Years then, right?

For all 16 pictures, check out our album. (LINK)


Anonymous said...

Did you get any meals catered by Dos Coyotes? That is the one thing that I miss about living there.

Russell said...

No, we didn't. My grandma lives real close to one, too. That place is great. We need to go eat there again.

Anonymous said...

who got the duck hand puppet?! Did it quack when you squeezed it?

Russell said...

Who else would have got it? It's at our house if you want to give it a go. And yes, it quacks when you move the mouth. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Dos Coyotes is the best!!!

Russell, thank you for writing down the rules. We needed that!

- Jennifer