good times

Monday, February 06, 2006

Steelers and Seahawks vs. Kobe

I'm sure you all were watching the Super Bowl yesterday. But did you place any wagers down? Apparently about 5 billion dollars are gambled on the Super Bowl. I had to get in on the action.

So, here were my proposition bets:

1. Final score for the Steelers would be an even number.
2. Kobe Bryant's total points (+ 6.5) will be more than the total score for the Super Bowl.
3. Kobe Bryant's 3-pointers will be more than the total field goals made during the Super Bowl.

So, the battle was on. Kobe (in the game against the Hornets) vs. the Steelers and Seahawks.


The results:

The Super Bowl score was 10-21 (31 total) and there was only 1 field goal. Kobe had 35 points and 5 three-pointers. I won both Kobe bets! (and lost the third bet)

And to top it all off, I won a Super Bowl pool, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were both games on the same day? Dude where did you make your bets to make those kind? Go Kobe!!!!