good times

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day !

What? Is it too early for that? Well, Joanne and I celebrated our Valentine's Day this past Thursday night. It was a great evening.

Flowers for my wife.

Our Valentine's gifts to each other was probably all the furniture we've been buying recently. Don't we get boring after being married? But Joanne did make time to make me these awesome Valentine's cards. Cards? Yup, one from her and one from Buster. She did a great job, but I'm sure Buster helped her out quite a bit. No, you can't read what's inside. :)

Homemade Valentine's Cards!

That night, we went to have dinner at Crustacean in Beverly Hills. It is a Euro-Vietnamese seafood restaurant. When you go through the restaurant, you'll walk along this pathway that is an underground aquarium. It's pretty cool to see the koi fish swimming right under your feet. (Not the best if you are buzzing from the alcohol).


The reason I took Joanne here was the Roasted Cracked Crab, their signature dish. Very garlic-y and oh-so good. The garlic noodles on the side complete the perfect meal. Check out Mr. Crab:

Roasted Crab from Crustacean

It was a great evening and I made plans to check out some other spot in LA, but we felt so satisfied with our dinner experience, we decided to check it out another day. Yes, we're getting old. :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you, whenever you choose to celebrate it. (It was sure great avoiding the Valentine's Day chaos) And say hello to our Valentine's Tree.

Our Valentine's Tree

1 comment:

Gina Fujikami said...

Yum, love Crustaceans! Cute cards, Joanne :)