good times

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ferrari Enzo !

I feel the need to report some bad news despite our blog's title. This is not good times. Apparently some guy was driving his Ferrari Enzo in Malibu and was racing against a Mercedes Benz SLR on PCH. Well, that's the fun part. The Enzo didn't's now in several pieces. From what I understand the SLR was okay. Just so you understand, it's a $600,000 Mercedes and a $1,000,000 Ferrari. And they only made 399 Ferrari Enzos. Well, I can't stand to look at banged up or destroyed exotic cars, so here's a picture of a tip-top Enzo. Very nice.


For more on the story, check out this article. (LINK)


Miss Lala said...

i was obsessed with the photos of the crumpled beast. any retard who would put himself in the position to screw up like that doesn't deserve to drive that awesome car. piss on him.

thank goodness he didn't kill someone in the process of finding out he can't handle a high performance vehicle.

my only hope is that he bolted fromthe scene not because he was worried about repercussions of the crash, but because he didn't want to be found with soiled pants.

where is darwin when you need him?

wow...that sounds pretty cranky huh? oh well, i haven't commented in a while...i might as well go big. =P~

Miss Lala said...

PS - btw, yes, i know they think the passenger/owner of the car is probably the one who was really driving, but they only found him with a split lip, so that ruined my fun "poop your pants" comment.

Anonymous said...

From ABCNews,

According to a Los Angeles Sheriff's Department investigator, Eriksson, 44, is a former Swedish executive in a failed handheld gaming company. The company, Gizmondo, reportedly lost $225 million last year before filing for bankruptcy.

Eriksson resigned from Gizmondo in October after a Swedish newspaper claimed he was also known as "Fat Steffy" and was convicted in Sweden in the 1990's for involvement with Sweden's Uppsala mafia.

Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Sgt. Philip Brooks told ABC News that he received a call from the Bank of Scotland claiming that the bank was in the process of repossessing the car and that Eriksson owns a second Ferrari Enzo with a questionable registration.

So this guy had two Enzoes? I only find this amusing because Gizmondo was truly the joke of the gaming world.