good times

Friday, February 24, 2006

Crab and Sushi

That's what we've been up to this past week. Boy, have we been busy.

On Monday, we celebrated Joanne's dad's birthday at Captain Jack's. He is a huge crab fan and Captain Jack's has huge crab.



Michiko didn't mess around either...she ordered the gigantic Prime Rib that is just about unfinishable in my opinion.

We got our dad a new digital camera for his birthday. Now they can finally move away from film. Now that's exciting.


And then last night, Joanne paid her first visit to Chomp Sushi in Fullerton. I went there for the first time with Jeff back in September. On Thursday nights, you can have All-You-Can-Eat sushi for only $20! And dang it's so good!

Chomp Sushi in FullertonReady to eat !

Bring on the hamachi !

Here comes the plate of yellowtail! We pretty much stacked up on pretty much all the yellowtail, salmon, unagi, and crunch rolls we could fit in!

The final sushi count for us was: Jeff (40), Russell (32), Joanne (22), and Stacey (9). Joanne made a good showing and I ate exactly the same amount as last time!

Our final tally.  32 to 22!

That's enough food for now. Say goodbye to Mr. Puffer.

Say hi to Mr. Puffer.


Anonymous said...

ehhh...I could do 50 =) Just kidding, those days are behind me! No more eating contests! Nice work, Jeff!

Anonymous said...

I am still so very full...kinda tried to force myself to eat more and keep up with the boys. I think I need more training. And bigger pants.

Miss Lala said...

i used to live down the street form that place and i don't even want to tell you the damage i used to cause. you wouldn't think a girl who doesn't like fish would do very well with the whole "all you can eat sushi" thing, but somehow, i managed. i think they were really glad when i moved away.

i'm really proud of you for giving it your best joanne. let me know if your interested in some intense training.

ac3 said...

I love that place! Go there all the time...