good times

Monday, December 19, 2005

See if you can solve this one.

I haven't been able to do this one yet. Click the picture.



Miss Lala said...

thanks to a really boring client call, i had a chunk of time to play. i am pretty sure that he could hear me clicking around, but i really don't care. ha!

i had to reset it and start over 4 times, but i finally got it.

this was as good one russ. got my brain going on this sluggish monday morning.

The House That Jack Built said...

got it in 230 moves. Finally.

Anonymous said...

I got it in only 297 moves, I was aiming for less than 300, yes!

Anonymous said...

Got it in 161, that was fun!

Anonymous said...

Hey Russell,

If you haven't yet figured out how to solve this puzzle in the most efficient way, look into the title for a hint (Junk's **HANOI**).

See for a description and history of the original puzzle.

Just FYI (maybe too much "I"), the original puzzle was solved in a minimum of (2^n)-1 moves, while Junk's version of the puzzle is solved in a minimum of (2/3)*(3^n)-1 moves.

Anonymous said...

That was fun! First time got it in 174 then 164 then 161. I like. Good job Russ!

Today was a very hard day to get freakin' tired. Thanks to this puzzle these last 30 minutes flew by! I am going home!