good times

Friday, December 02, 2005

So, what's the deal with rhubarb ?

RhubarbWe were chatting with Eddy and Stephanie last night and discovered that we knew very little about rhubarb. What's rhubarb? We got as far as to say that it looks like reddish celery and is like "old lettuce left in the fridge" (Thanks, Eddy). Wikipedia categorizes it as a vegetable although some say it is a fruit because of its uses for pies and wine. (Article here)

The real question: Has anyone had rhubarb pie? Is it good? Is it awful? What's the deal?


Anonymous said...

Having worked at Marie Callendar's, I know that we sold about two of them per month (and they were not made to order, so they sat for a while). I had a bite once. It tasted like pie.

Anonymous said...

Scott, that's hilarious! Russell and Eddy were telling me about your Marie Callendar days and I don't think I'll ever have another slice of pumpkin pie from Marie Calledar's again.

Hope all is well with you and Jamie!

Miss Lala said...

dude, my dad and i were just having this conversation. i told him it's a generational thing. i was like, nobody my age knows what rhubarb is...except for me.

i like it. (although i've only had it a few times, and always in a dessert format.) knott's has it at their chicken dinner restaurant.

hmmm...rhubarb. at least it's fun to say.

Ferg said...

Rhubarb is a vegetable: it grows in the ground. Avocado is a fruit: it grows on a tree. I think rhubarb strawberry pie (or crumble) is pretty good, but not necessarily my first choice. I've yet to try an avocado pie.