good times

Saturday, December 17, 2005

King Kong


I saw this movie yesterday and I thought it was great! Very entertaining. Good action and good story development. Good performances by the main cast and Peter Jackson did a good job of remaking the 1933 original. The movie was very long at 3 hrs. 7 min., but moved at a good pace the entire time. The effects were very well done and they did a good job of remaking the 1930s.

Highly recommended...especially since there hasn't been too much to watch lately.


Anonymous said...

My input - saw the movie with Jimbo last Friday. Movie was pretty good. Not great. Movie was slow until they go to Skull Island. Once on the island - too much much CG. I'm surprised also that it didn't look that great. Kong looked great, but for example, during the whole dinosaur stampede and people not getting stepped on, it looked fake. My grade: B.
~ Kevin

Anonymous said...

Okay Kevin...I don't know if my CG particulars are as specific as yours. You have this like super keen eye to see the number of pixels on a large screen. Dude...I am happy if I can follow the story!