good times

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Happy Birthday Michiko !

This past weekend, we celebrated Michiko's 3rd anniversary of her 27th birthday. We all had a great time. And today is her actual birthday. Happy Birthday, Michiko!

Joanne, Michiko, and Stephanie

Blowin' out all 30!I was actually pretty proud of the candles on the birthday cake. I found these great candles called Fast-Lite Candles that are linked together by a common fuse. Just light one candle and it'll light them all! They're especially helpful when you have a lot of candles to light...ahem...not that we needed to light that many. :)
(Here's a sample video of the candles)


Miss Lala said...

geez you find the coolest crap, russ! very nice!

happy birthday michalicious! yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh my I get what you mean by them being connected. Dude I was so thinking wrong on that one.

That is awesome!