good times

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun

It was a great Thanksgiving weekend packed full of eating, shopping, and visiting with friends and family. Of course we had 2 Thanksgivings, spread a few days apart to optimize our eating experience. We celebrated at Glenn and Michiko's Thursday evening and then had Thanksgiving again on Saturday at my parents' house. The good news is that Joanne had off the entire weekend so we were able to enjoy it all as a family. What is that green drink?

Thanksgiving Dinner

Jack enjoyed his first tastes of turkey, mashed potatoes, and Thanksgiving dinner rolls.

Jack's First Thanksgiving

Jack's been a whole lot of fun lately...still very active, but always ready to laugh.

Loves to laugh.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your first Thanksgiving Jack! And I hope you enjoyed your first Thanksgiving with Jack everyone! I know I did....too much fun. Look at all those teeth!