good times

Friday, October 05, 2007

Jack's First Haircut

Well, it's been ages since my last blog post. Lots of things going on...vacation, new house, and Jack. Time to get caught up. Jack is now 8 1/2 months old and he just had his first haircut 2 days ago. It was getting a little long on top, almost covering his eyes, and spilling over his ears. He was due. So, it was time for Jack to pay his first visit to the barber for the past 18 years.

Jack's First Haircut

Jack did surprisingly well. No crying, but required some distractions to keep him from moving his head too much. Amazing how interesting a brush can be...or even the drawstrings on his pants.

Jack's First HaircutJack's First Haircut

Thanks Jim for the great haircut!

Jim and Jack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay a Jack entry! That's what I'm talking about! Yay! Dude Jack you looked so grown-up in that chair. I like your sitting stance too....hahahaha.

What a good boy you are....I heard you didn't cry and you stood still too. Such a good boy!

We need to uneven out the bangs a little for you when you are sleeping soon.

Russ didn't you get your haircut too? How come we don't get to see pics of you in the chair?