good times

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It's been a while since Jack has had new pictures on the blog, so here's an update.

Jack opening his gifts

Last month, we went to one of Jack's first visits to a playground.

Enjoying the park

He went on the swings with his mom.

Swinging with Mama

And even went on them by himself.

Enjoying the swing

He even steered the ship (the playground was one big boat).

Playground Fun

He liked the slide.

Papa and Jack

And loves time with his family.

Family Time

Of course all these park activities could not be properly documented without the help of Auntie Steph.

Joanne, Jack, and Auntie Steph

Jack has been eating solid foods much better these days. He actually enjoys mealtime now.


And he's even getting better at feeding himself his favorite snacky stars.

Grab the star!

Sometimes the snacky stars stick to his hands and it's nearly impossible for him to get them in his mouth. Oh the challenges.

Snack Time

Stay tuned for more Jack updates.

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