good times

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

9 Months of Fun

Jack turned 9 months old yesterday. Quite a landmark as he can now add meat products (highly processed) to his menu of fruit and vegetables. He's been doing just fine with his two tiny teeth, but we just noticed that he has two more growing up top...both canines. (He'll be a vampire by Halloween!)

Our Happy Eater

Of all the foods he eats, I think his Snacky Stars and water are his favorites.

Snacky Stars!

Just make sure you chew with your mouth closed, Jack.

Snacky Stars!

Luckily Jack loves Buster. And luckily Buster loves Jack (especially when it's mealtime).

Jack loves Buster

Congratulations Jack on turning 9 months old!

1 comment:

Chang Kim said...

Nine months! If you guys had planned well, you'd be giving him a brother or sister any day now.