good times

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween !

Hope you all have a great day of costumes, candy, and fun. We should be going to a Halloween festival tonight and be passing out lots of candy at our house (lots of families in our hood). Should be crazy, but we've managed to hide out from the trick-or-treating for past few years in our condo. Jack will be sporting his 2 costumes again tonight. First we have JACK-o-Lantern:


And don't forget Buster the Pumpkin either:
The 3 Pumpkins

And tonight we'll also be the Star Wars family: Han Solo, Princess Leia, Yoda, and Darth Vader. (It's a good thing that Darth Vader and Yoda never fought in the movies)

The Star Wars Family

This past Sunday, we celebrated 7 big events in one night: Halloween, 4 birthdays, housewarming, and our monthly 7 Card Studs poker game. To celebrate, we had cake.

Happy Birthoween Warming!

We had 4 birthdays to celebrate. Happy Birthday to Kevin, Alan, Lori, and Michiko!

Happy Birthday!

And we had lots of costumes in effect!

2 mummies, Mr. Panda Express, scary skeleton guy, and a witch.
The Mummies and Mr. Panda ExpressThe Scary Couple

Duke Orsino (12th Night), a priest, a nerdy asian, and a baseball player.
Duke Orsino and the PriestSuper Nerd and a Baseball Player

A couple of spa goers, and Sally & Jack Skellington.
The Spa GirlsSally and Jack Skellington

Batman, Super Mom, and Queen Amidala with Princess Leia???
Batman and Super MomQueen Amidala and Princess Leia

Hope you all have a good time tonight!
Yoda watching TV

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dance Vader and Dance Trooper

Okay, here's something for all of you who love Star Wars, Japan, and some great R&B oldies. Am I the only one in that category?

Tokyo Dance Trooper with Earth Wind and Fire:

Harajuku Dance Vader with the Four Tops:

Friday, October 26, 2007

Shuffle Challenge

Here's a new version of the old Shuffle game. This time you don't play against the computer, but each level is a puzzle. Very fun. (LINK)


Thursday, October 25, 2007

10 Scariest Scenes in the Movies

Halloween is just around the corner...time to go out and rent your favorite horror movies. Here's a top 10 list of the scariest scenes in cinema. Excellent that they gave props to The Ring. (LINK)


The Uprising of Sausages and Hot Dogs


uprising of sausages and hot-dogs

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Welcome to Our New Home

Joanne, Jack, Buster and I moved into our new house about a month ago now, so I figured we owed everyone some pictures. Luckily we avoided most of the hassle of moving in by hiring movers. They were a lifesaver (thanks Stephaine for the referral). Of course we still have several boxes to unpack, but we are working on reducing them one at a time.

Jack in the BoxJack in the Box
Jack in the Box

I took a few more pictures of the house (this time with our stuff in it), so here's a quick tour of the house. I forgot to take pictures of everything so you'll have to come visit for the full tour. Here are some views of the outside of our corner house, complete with door wreath and lawn spider.

From the corner
From the front
From the side

When you come in the house, you see our china cabinet and the dining room to the right. Yup, still have several boxes to unpack.

Entry Way

The dining room.

Dining Room

The living room. Yes, that's our Halloween tree in the corner.

Living Room
Living Room

The office. Notice that Buster likes to appear in every picture.

The Office

The family room. Lots of boxes to unpack here.

Family Room

Notice the coat rack to the right. Can you tell which jacket is Jack's?

Family Room

Here's Jack's bathroom (aka the guest bathroom)

Jack's Bathroom

And the backyard with our BBQ and refrigerator setup.

The Backyard
The Backyard

And you can see our new super-sized DirecTV dish on the roof.
(I have to be proud of this since I worked on several DirecTV satellites)

The Super DirecTV Dish

And a night shot of our front door.

Our Front Door

And Halloween Tree!

Our Halloween Tree

Here is our latest addition: Our titanium french door refrigerator.

Our New Refrigerator!
Our New Refrigerator!

Hope you can visit sometime!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

9 Months of Fun

Jack turned 9 months old yesterday. Quite a landmark as he can now add meat products (highly processed) to his menu of fruit and vegetables. He's been doing just fine with his two tiny teeth, but we just noticed that he has two more growing up top...both canines. (He'll be a vampire by Halloween!)

Our Happy Eater

Of all the foods he eats, I think his Snacky Stars and water are his favorites.

Snacky Stars!

Just make sure you chew with your mouth closed, Jack.

Snacky Stars!

Luckily Jack loves Buster. And luckily Buster loves Jack (especially when it's mealtime).

Jack loves Buster

Congratulations Jack on turning 9 months old!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Legos Through the Eyes of a Child

Here are four posters for Lego's recent advertisement which show you Legos through the eyes of a child. Pretty cool.


Here are the other three:

Jack is amazing ! a parent, pretty much everything Jack does is amazing to me, but I was very impressed when he achieved these new physical feats. Every day, his motor skills seem to improve. He's been standing up for quite a while now (it's his favorite), but just this week he has tried to stand up without any assistance. You can only see it momentarily here, but it was the Lego brick that made him want to let go of the table. Go Jack!

And at the same time, Jack learned that he could walk along the furniture to get where he wants to go. That teddy bear Lego brick was enough to motivate him here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It's been a while since Jack has had new pictures on the blog, so here's an update.

Jack opening his gifts

Last month, we went to one of Jack's first visits to a playground.

Enjoying the park

He went on the swings with his mom.

Swinging with Mama

And even went on them by himself.

Enjoying the swing

He even steered the ship (the playground was one big boat).

Playground Fun

He liked the slide.

Papa and Jack

And loves time with his family.

Family Time

Of course all these park activities could not be properly documented without the help of Auntie Steph.

Joanne, Jack, and Auntie Steph

Jack has been eating solid foods much better these days. He actually enjoys mealtime now.


And he's even getting better at feeding himself his favorite snacky stars.

Grab the star!

Sometimes the snacky stars stick to his hands and it's nearly impossible for him to get them in his mouth. Oh the challenges.

Snack Time

Stay tuned for more Jack updates.