good times

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, Lego!

Today is Lego's 75th Birthday. Happy Birthday.

On August 10, 1932, a Danish carpenter, Ole Kirk Christiansen, began building toy blocks that eventually developed into the Lego brick we know today. He came up with the company name by combining the phrase "leg godt" which means "play well".

Did you know that just five Lego bricks (2x4) can be formed together in over 10,000,000 configurations?

Did you know that the Lego Group produces over 306 million miniature tires each year - more than any other tire manufacturer in the world?

To honor Lego, here is a scene from Return of the Jedi, which I created with my Legos over 6 years ago. Good times.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your history with Star Wars and Lego is great. You were only 2 years old when you got for first 4 man set of Star Wars from Sears.