good times

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

7 Months with Jack

Well, almost 7 months. Jack turns 7 months old tomorrow. It's been a big month for him...major milestones met (ugh...sounds like work talking). He started effectively crawling about a week ago and also started sitting up on his own. It's truly amazing to watch him hone his skills each and every day. Every day Jack surprises us with his new accomplishments. Here's a photo update to keep you all up to speed.


Jack sure loves balloons (much more than Mom). They're sure hard to get a good grip on!
I love balloons!

Jack is getting pretty active these days, so certain items have become obsolete. His swing isn't getting much play time these days since he always wants to keep moving. And his bouncer is only being used for feeding time. But, he just got a new jumper and he loves it. It's huge, but what it takes up in floorspace, it more than compensates in fun.
Jack with his Jumperoo
My New Jumperoo

He's been rolling and crawling around everywhere...really keeping us on our toes. He rolled his way under our futon sofa. How'd he get under there?
How'd you get under there?

And he sure loves paper. You can't keep him away from crawling all over it.
Clipping coupons.

He loves standing up. He's got pretty good balance...maybe it's that wide stance.
Standing with Grandma

Here he is demonstrating his skills in sitting up. Look at that focus.
Sitting all by himself.

Grandpa loves hanging out with Jack. Check out their hats! Go Tokyo Giants and UCLA!
Sportin' hats with Grandpa

I guess Jack doesn't mind hats on his matter what they look like.
Check out my hat.

Nor does he mind when Mom messes with his hair.
Jack likes new hair styles.

He sure has a lot of toys. But he likes to spend time with each one of them.
In the jumper with Mr. Bear

He loves Auntie and Uncle's aquarium. He can watch it all day long.
Enjoying the fish.

And after all that playing, he knocks out at the end of the day. 8 hours of sleep!
Tuckered out.

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