good times

Friday, December 21, 2007

Right Brain or Left Brain?

Take this quiz and find out what you are... (LINK)

I'm pretty much equal left-brained and right-brained...pretty strange considering I thought I'd be all right-brained.


Your Brain, Dim Lighting, and Tryptophan

Yahoo! just had an article today that listed out 7 medical myths. Who knew?

Myth: We use only 10 percent of our brains.

Fact: Physicians and comedians alike, including Jerry Seinfeld, love to cite this one. It's sometimes erroneously credited to Albert Einstein. But MRI scans, PET scans and other imaging studies show no dormant areas of the brain, and even viewing individual neurons or cells reveals no inactive areas, the new paper points out. Metabolic studies of how brain cells process chemicals show no nonfunctioning areas. The myth probably originated with self-improvement hucksters in the early 1900s who wanted to convince people that they had yet not reached their full potential, Carroll figures. It also doesn't jibe with the fact that our other organs run at full tilt.

Myth: You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

Fact: "There is no medical evidence to suggest that you need that much water," said Dr. Rachel Vreeman, a pediatrics research fellow at the university and co-author of the journal article. Vreeman thinks this myth can be traced back to a 1945 recommendation from the Nutrition Council that a person consume the equivalent of 8 glasses (64 ounces) of fluid a day. Over the years, "fluid" turned to water. But fruits and vegetables, plus coffee and other liquids, count.

Myth: Fingernails and hair grow after death.

Fact: Most physicians queried on this one initially thought it was true. Upon further reflection, they realized it's impossible. Here's what happens: "As the body’s skin is drying out, soft tissue, especially skin, is retracting," Vreeman said. "The nails appear much more prominent as the skin dries out. The same is true, but less obvious, with hair. As the skin is shrinking back, the hair looks more prominent or sticks up a bit."

Myth: Shaved hair grows back faster, coarser and darker.

Fact: A 1928 clinical trial compared hair growth in shaved patches to growth in non-shaved patches. The hair which replaced the shaved hair was no darker or thicker, and did not grow in faster. More recent studies have confirmed that one. Here's the deal: When hair first comes in after being shaved, it grows with a blunt edge on top, Carroll and Vreeman explain. Over time, the blunt edge gets worn so it may seem thicker than it actually is. Hair that's just emerging can be darker too, because it hasn't been bleached by the sun.

Myth: Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight.

Fact: The researchers found no evidence that reading in dim light causes permanent eye damage. It can cause eye strain and temporarily decreased acuity, which subsides after rest.

Myth: Eating turkey makes you drowsy.

Fact: Even Carroll and Vreeman believed this one until they researched it. The thing is, a chemical in turkey called tryptophan is known to cause drowsiness. But turkey doesn't contain any more of it than does chicken or beef. This myth is fueled by the fact that turkey is often eaten with a colossal holiday meal, often accompanied by alcohol — both things that will make you sleepy.

Myth: Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals.

There are no known cases of death related to this one. Cases of less-serious interference with hospital devices seem to be largely anecdotal, the researchers found. In one real study, mobile phones were found to interfere with 4 percent of devices, but only when the phone was within 3 feet of the device. A more recent study, this year, found no interference in 300 tests in 75 treatment rooms. To the contrary, when doctors use mobile phones, the improved communication means they make fewer mistakes.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Dark Knight" Trailer

Already gearing up for the summer blockbuster, the trailer for that latest Batman movie is out. "Dark Knight" won't be coming out until July 18, 2008! Heath Ledger plays the Joker...although I think they didn't spend as much time on his makeup as they did with Jack Nicholson's...

You can check out the YouTube trailer below, but why do that when you check it out in High Def! (LINK)

Another Trailer for 'Lost'

This trailer's even longer and brings up still more questions. But now we know that the season will start on January 31st! (LINK)


Friday, December 14, 2007

Disappearing Car Door

I need this.

A Sad Time for Baseball

Senator George Mitchell was commissioned by the Major League Baseball Organization to conduct an independent investigation of the use of steroids and other performance enhancing substances in major league baseball. In his report, he listed the names of 86 players with varied levels of suspicion on their use of steroids or HGH (Human Growth Hormones). Including on that list were Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Jason Giambi, Miguel Tejada, Gary Sheffield, Rafael Palmeiro, Benito Santiago, Dave Justice, and Dodger favorites Paul LoDuca and Eric Gagne. Every baseball team had a player on the list. The entire 400 page report can be downloaded here.


The Witch Hunt is on. The only person relatively happy with yesterday's Mitchell Report announcement is Barry Bonds. Now he isn't the only one in the spotlight. Sen. Mitchell stated that the findings of the report are not directed toward applying disciplinary action toward the players named, but to display the widespread nature of the use of performance enhancing substances. He places the blame on everyone...the MLB Commission, the owners, the managers, and the players. The key is to put a stop to it all.

Every accomplishment in major league baseball from 1988 to 2007 will be either officially noted or mentally noted in the minds of fans as being part of the Steroid Era. How does this affect your opinion of baseball? Do you think these players should be allowed into the Baseball Hall of Fame? Maybe we should just legalize steroid use, and anyone who wants to use them will be eligible for the Steroid Baseball Hall of Fame.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

White Christmas

To get you into the holiday spirit... (LINK)


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


We're all still waiting for Season 4 of Lost to begin, and we still have to wait until February (at least), but at least we have a trailer to watch.

What is that number 6 all about?
A buffalo?
Is that Charlie?

Star Wars Toys That Never Got Made

For some reason, George Lucas never had this series of toys produced. Bummer.

StarWarsToy - TheForce
StarWarsToy - Homestead
StarWarsToy - UncleOwen
StarWarsToy - DeadEwok

Oh well, I guess I just saved myself some money.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Future...1999

This video was made back in 1967, but attempted to forecast how the future would be in 1999. For guessing how things would be over 30 years into the future, I'd say they did a good job. They forecasted online bill payment, email, e-commerce, webcams, and home printers. Impressive!

Monday, December 10, 2007

52 Years to Go

Thanks to this online quiz I've now gained 8 years of my life back! How are you doing? (LINK)


Thursday, December 06, 2007

R2-D2 Translator

Have you ever wondered what R2-D2 was saying? Or wanted to learn how to speak R2? Well, we finally have our first R2 language translator for all to enjoy. After typing in a few things, it's very clear that R2-D2 spoke in very short phrases. (LINK)


The Force, Pinkberry, the Wind, and UCLA

Nothing is better than unique blog entry titles like that.

Since Jack is now 10 1/2 months old, Joanne and I thought it'd be best to get Jack's Jedi training started. And all Jedi must begin with the weapon of choice. One day, son, you'll make us all proud.

Our Little Jedi
Our Little Jedi

Just the other day, Joanne and Jack had their first Pinkberry. They just opened up a new one here in El Segundo. It's pretty great stuff! The one thing I haven't figured out is what drug they use to lace the fruit with at that place.

Jack's First Pinkberry

It's also been a little windy lately...luckily we have our new handy dandy wind detector.

Snowman down.

And with wind comes leaves...something new we've never had to deal with before. And boy do we get a lot of them.

Ah, the leaves.

I also went to the UCLA/George Washington game with my dad last week. It was good times. UCLA is now 7-1 (losing to Texas), but they'll be exciting to watch this season. It was my first time seeing Kevin Love play in person. He's a huge addition to the team. It was also great to see Darren Collison in his first game back. But in this game, Russell Westbrook (great name) dominated.

Westbrook with a breakaway layup.

That pretty much sums things up.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Power !

Google is on fire lately. They recently added IMAP capability to Gmail which allows you to have your mobile Gmail synchronized in real-time. On top of that, they just added Group Chat to Gmail. Finally! At the same time they added in more animated emoticons to Gmail Chat.

Just this past week, they also added "Terrain" view to Google Maps which is like a relief map showing mountains, but also tall buildings like in Downtown LA. Oh, and if you're looking for "Hybrid" view, they changed it to a click box option under the "Satellite" view.


The one function they released but won't work for my phone yet is the "My Location" feature on Google Maps Mobile. It's like GPS for your phone even if you don't have GPS. It uses the location of the nearest cell phone tower to provide you with your approximate location. Just type in "0" to find yourself. Download the latest Google Maps Mobile 2.0 beta program here.

Enjoy the new Google features!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun

It was a great Thanksgiving weekend packed full of eating, shopping, and visiting with friends and family. Of course we had 2 Thanksgivings, spread a few days apart to optimize our eating experience. We celebrated at Glenn and Michiko's Thursday evening and then had Thanksgiving again on Saturday at my parents' house. The good news is that Joanne had off the entire weekend so we were able to enjoy it all as a family. What is that green drink?

Thanksgiving Dinner

Jack enjoyed his first tastes of turkey, mashed potatoes, and Thanksgiving dinner rolls.

Jack's First Thanksgiving

Jack's been a whole lot of fun lately...still very active, but always ready to laugh.

Loves to laugh.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Black Friday Madness

After the Thanksgiving festivities Thursday night, we went home and I went on the computer to check out if there were going to be any online deals for Amazon's Black Friday. Of course that meant I had to stay up until midnight to see what the deals were. I picked up a top of the line wireless mouse, a webcam, and a 2GB USB flash drive and ended up making $13 in the process (after rebates). Not bad. I felt accomplished. So I went to bed around 1:00am and decided to wake up at 2:00am to meet up with my sister to line up at Fry's in the morning. Why did we do this?

Well, that's where the fun began. My goal: a 46" Samsung 1080p LCD TV for $1299. Our second goal: a 19" Samsung LCD TV for my parents for $199. We showed up at Fry's around 3am only to see that the line was out the door and wrapped around the building. It was madness (but nothing like the lines at Circuit City or Best Buy). The doors opened at 5am, so were waiting outside for a couple hours. Once we got inside, we dashed over to the TV section and saw boxes and boxes of TVs on the floor so people can just go up and grab what they wanted. We looked everywhere and I couldn't find the one I wanted. They had passed out vouchers for several of the popular TVs to the people at the front of the line, so I just about gave up on the TV. Luckily the TV section was completely disorganized. These LCDs and plasmas come in such huge boxes that the entire area was packed full of people sliding their TVs all around. I decided not to give up just yet so I went to look through their inventory to find my TV. It was ridiculous...Samsung makes several models of 46" 1080p LCDs so I had to look for a LN-T4661, not a LN-T4669 or LN-T4671. Insanity. The good news is that I was successful and got the last one of three that the store had in stock. Whew! Even better news...Steph got lucky and found the 19" Samsung, too. What a successful adventure, of course that meant we had to wait in the 2 hour line to purchase our stuff. No big deal. :)

Now I can enjoy the fruits of my labor. Ahhhh.


Anyone else have a fun Black Friday?

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Jack loves apples.

The beauty of the blog is that I can put anything up that I want. Jack just ate his first apple now that he has 8 teeth! Once he took his first bite, we couldn't take the apple away. His bites aren't very big, so it would probably take about a month or so for him to finish one.

Jack's First Apple

Take a big bite, Jack!
Jack's First Apple

Go UCLA Basketball !

What a great game last night against #11 Michigan State. UCLA was down the entire game and came back in the last 30 seconds to take the win. Huge victory for UCLA, 68-63. Still undefeated at 5-0, UCLA is #1 in the country. The freshman center, Kevin Love, has been a huge contributor for the team. Ah, it feels like March Madness already.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cloverfield Trailer

They just released the full trailer for the 1-18-08 movie by lost creator J.J. Abrams. It's now officially called "Cloverfield". Check it out here.


Free Coldstone's !

Buy one, get one free "Love It" size ice cream at Coldstone's. Click on the coupon to print it out.


Jack's First Auto Show

After lots of begging and pleading, I finally gave in and brought Jack to his first Auto Show. Jack really wanted to see the new Lamborghini. How could I say no?

Jack's First Auto Show

The LA Auto Show was great as always. But it doesn't take much to satisfy me. The show runs until this coming Sunday. Details here. There was lots to see, but I'll just go over a few highlights.

The new $1.4 million Lamborghini Reventon
Lamborghini Reventon

Aston Martin DBS
Aston Martin DBS

Ferrari F430 Scuderia
Ferrari F430 Scuderia

Chevy Tahoe Hybrid. Huge, but a 2-mode hybrid with 25% better fuel economy.
Chevy Tahoe Hybrid

Nissan GT-R. 480-hp, twin turbocharged V6. 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. I'll take one.
Nissan GT-R

And the VW Up! (The exclamation point is part of the name) Chang's next purchase.

Honda FCX Clarity. Their first Fuel Cell production vehicle. It runs on pure hydrogen, generating electrical power from the bonding power of hydrogen and oxygen into water. Its only emission is water.
Honda FCX Clarity

The highlight of the visit was seeing this Lexus IS-F (415-hp) on a dyno running through all 8 gears (well over 100mph). All you had to do was stand in line and you could be the driver!
Lexus IS-F Demo

Jack loved the show...watching all the cars. Although he was equally as excited when he saw this shiny silver wall in the Concourse Hall.
What's over there?
Oooh.  Shiny.

Since I've been to every LA Auto Show since 2001, I went back to my archives to see what my first picture was. It was taken with my mom's old Sony Mavica...the one that puts the pictures on a floppy disk. And to my surprise, photos 0001 and 0002 were the Pontiac Aztek!!! I miss that car.

If you want to see all my pics, go here. Make sure you choose "Options" at the bottom right if you want to see the photo captions.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bubble Wrap

If you love popping a sheet of bubble wrap, then this may be the next best thing. Unlimited virtual bubble wrap. Don't forget to click on Manic Mode. (LINK)


Bye Bye Frontier

The Frontier Hotel and Casino was demolished a few days ago to make space for the new Plaza Hotel...a $5 to $8 billion project based on the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Like all things in Vegas, the Frontier went out in style.

I sure miss the days of visiting Vegas as a child seeing the strikers in front of the Frontier for what seemed like forever.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Point Break Live!

This past Friday night was an evening never to be forgotten. It started off fantastic with me standing on the corner of 5th and Spring in Downtown LA. It was obvious I was a social minority waiting for his friends to show up as I watched a guy peeing on the sidewalk just 20 feet away. Luckily the evening went uphill shortly afterward.


We were all meeting up to catch the new show in town, Point Break Live! It's a live stage adaptation of the ever popular Keanu Reeves/Patrick Swayze action flick. If you're wondering how they would adapt an extreme sports action movie to the stage, then you'll understand why it was such a great show. The best part is that they randomly select the part of Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) from the audience each night!

Joanne, Lara, Kristine, Eddy, Stephanie, and I were all in attendance. We bought $1 survival kits which included a poncho (for all the water, beer, and blood that were in effect) and some fake money (for the robbery sequence).

Excited Viewers

They randomly selected about 12 people from the audience to try out for the part of Johnny Utah. They each had to say a few lines and test their stunt skills. Before the show, I met the guy who ended up being selected for the part. He was so pumped and had the entire movie memorized. He looked exactly like Keanu Reeves, too!

Keanu Selection

He was fed his lines via cue cards. Here he is reading lines with the Gary Busse character.

The Cue Card Holder, Keanu Reeves, and Gary Busse

Bodhi's character (Patrick Swayze) was hilarious. Here he is in his skydiving gear.

Bodhi in Skydiving Gear

The show was extremely low budget. Very high school. Check out the skydiving sequence.

Skydiving Madness

The classic robbery scene with Utah's famous line:
"Bodhi, this is your f***ing wake-up call man. I am an F, B, I, Agent!"

The Robbery

And the final sequence at Bells Beach. Johnny Utah always gets his man.

Johnny Utah always gets his man!

The show was awesome. For $20, you can't go wrong. Shows are every Friday and Saturday night at 8pm. Get your tickets here.