good times

Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween

Like everyone else, we had a Halloween Party on Saturday. I was impressed with how many of us came with costumes! And for the first time in years, Joanne and I dressed up to celebrate. I was a baker, Joanne had a bun in the oven, and Buster was a hot dog. And check out our Halloween tree!

A hot dog, a baker, and a bun in the oven.

The Sasaki's did a great job dressing up as a pirate family. Arrrrrr!!!

The Pirate Sasaki's

Daniel and Amy dressed up Preston as a pirate. Check out the mean face he had on. Jill and Jeff had Jacob in his Elmo outfit...although it looks like he's a Two-headed Elmo here.

Pirate Preston and Elmo Jacob

Of course our event was a potluck and everyone brought great stuff. Check out the eyeballs and brains (spaghetti and meatballs) and the spooky bread claw!

The Spooky Spread
Have a great Halloween!


l0 said...

Still cookin'


Gina Fujikami said...

Awesome costumes! So creative :)

Anonymous said...

What happened to Anakin and Padme?!

Sorry we had to miss the party. Seemed like a good time.

Have a Happy Halloween!!