Lost, as you know, is a show that requires that you tune in each week to followup on the last cliffhanger episode. (Speaking of Lost, check out the new poll on the right) Heroes runs by the same formula, and after finally watching Monday's Heroes last night, I'm finding that I am a little more intrigued by Heroes than I am with Lost right now.
Of course, Wikipedia has a great article condensing information about the show. Here is a list of the main characters along with their superpowers.
There's a symbol that keeps reappearing in different scenes in each episode. When repeated, it resembles a DNA strand. I guess that makes sense.
There are also some graphic novels online that you can get directly from NBC's site. (LINK)
Start watching is you aren't already!
Heroes is pretty damn intriguing so far, and Lost has regained its touch. Lots of good stuff on the tele.
"Save the cheerleader, save the world."
Gave me chills.
I love Lost ! Here in Austin they had the season premiere at the Alamo Draft House Cinema. It was awesome. But like you I too am intriged by heroes. I hope it stays on because it is getting really good. I am off to home to get ready to watch Lost
NO NO NO! no extra shows! i have no room! russ, i think i just need to start paying you to tivo the entire season of shows like this so that i can just sit down later and knock it out in one long marathon session.
you and jo jo can just continue on with your regular schedule that day. buster will keep me company on your couch. =)
Our Tivo is getting packed, too! With all these new shows, all in HD, we only have room for about 3 of each show at a time! Better start watching!
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