good times

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mouse Game

Yet another game to keep you all busy. How quickly can you mouse? (LINK)


Sidebar: I was stuck in jury duty today and have to go back tomorrow...stupid jury duty.

Conan at the Emmy's

I never got around to checking this out this past weekend, so if you didn't either, here you go. (LINK)


Speaking of The Office, have you seen all 8 webisodes? By the time you read this, there might be 9! (LINK)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Star Wars Last Supper

Finally, some art I can appreciate.


Farewell, Mini.

It's not often that I post a blog entry about things that aren't "good times". But, it's time I let go of the Mini. With baby on the way, I'll be needing something with a little more room. So, I must cherish my final moments with the Mini and bid farewell to the fun it's provided. No more fast-action cornering, no more stick shift, no more farking spots, and no more squeezing into tight parallel parking spots. I'll miss you, buddy.


Speaking of parallel parking, I was never this good. (LINK)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Mother F'ing Snakes...

...on this mother f'ing plane!

That's right, we went to go see the first showing at 10:00 last night. With a title like Snakes on a Plane, we had to go see what it was all about. I thought it did a pretty good job of what it was promising...being a campy B-movie. I definitely enjoyed the movie-going experience. The audience was almost more excited than that of Star Wars on opening night. Crazy. But, I did notice a lot more nerds in the audience. I guess that means I'm a nerd, too. Dang.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Superfriends do Office Space !

SuperfriendsOfficeSpaceI couldn't stop laughing when I saw this one. If you like Office Space, then you'll love this! (LINK)

Also, I heard Mike Jude (creator of Office Space) is making a new movie called Idiocracy, which comes out in later September.

Friday, August 11, 2006


And another great game to enjoy your Friday. Good practice for flying your X-Wing through the trenches of the Death Star. (LINK)



Alright, so I was late in checking out the X-Games. Luckily between ESPN2 repeats and YouTube I can watch the best parts. Last night, I got to check out Travis Pastrana's double backflip in the Moto X Best Trick. Very impressive. Unbelievable that he took 3 golds.


And via YouTube I got to watch Pastrana's and McRae's rally runs. Colin McRae's run was truly amazing...despite the 2nd place standing. I can't believe he rolled his car and still got 2nd! Check them both out here. Pastrana / McRae.

Next year, Lara, we're going...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Since I know you can't get enough of the games, here's another. Gather all the black squares and don't touch the red ones. Get the black circles for special powers. Enjoy. (LINK)


My best score so far is 5105.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Where do the states go ?

Just drag and drop them in. Make sure you get as close as possible. Just beware of Hawaii...I never know where that one goes... (LINK)


Monday, August 07, 2006

Chat with Samuel L.

To promote the upcoming movie Snakes on a Plane, you can have Samuel L. Jackson call up your friends to help convince them to go see it with you. Just put in a few details and he'll customize the message for you. Enjoy! (LINK)


Friday, August 04, 2006

Rumbly in the tumbly.

Hello everyone. Here's an update on Baby Hirotsu. Joanne is now in her 16th week of pregnancy and just yesterday morning she felt a little fluttering in her tummy! The baby is developing perfectly and is maybe about 4 inches tall now! Watching the baby move around during the ultrasound was truly amazing. Hopefully soon we'll be able to find out if Baby Hirotsu is a he or a she. We'll let you know as soon as we find out.

Baby Hirotsu 72406

Violent Femmes

For my birthday, I got lots of monetary gifts to contribute toward my purchase of a new camcorder. That way I'm all ready for when the baby arrives. :) Here's what I ended up getting...a Sony HDR-HC3 camcorder! Now all our memories will be captured in high definition.


And since I never got around to taking any pictures at the Violent Femmes concert at Del Mar, I can at least feed you some of the video footage I took with my new HD camcorder (except it's nowhere near HD in quality on your computer).

More Chuck Norris

Here's a good informational clip from the cartoon that will teach you why you'll never be able to run away from Chuck Norris. (LINK)


Thursday, August 03, 2006


I thought this picture was pretty cool. It's a stereomicroscope image (magnified 94x) of the hook and pile connection of Velcro. Now you know why they sometimes call it a "hook and loop fastener". Credit to BBC Magazine.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What song was that?

I'm sure you've asked that question one time or another while listening to the radio. Now you can get the answer just by typing in the call letters for the radio station. You can even look at the Top 10 most played songs. And the web address is easy, too.


Ice Sculpture

Check out these guys putting the finishing touches on their amazing ice sculpture. (LINK)


Del Mar

Where have I been? I've only had one entry in almost 3 weeks! Work has been kicking my butt lately, even moreso last week. Putting in average 18 hour days barely left me time to get a few hours of sleep. But those times have passed. I'm back.

During all that madness, I made it out to the horse races at Del Mar a couple times. This past Friday, I went with my coworkers to "Four O'Clock Friday" with the Violent Femmes performing after the races. It was packed with standing room only!

Opening Day is always an experience and this year did not disappoint. Two weeks ago today, the starting gates opened up at 2:00pm.

First race of the season
Hangin at Del Mar
Opening Day is Hat Day, so just about everyone had one on.
The stretch run.
Of course there wasn't much money to be won, but the ponies are always fun to watch.
Horse #5

And flying back home in Tim's plane always provides great views.
Flying home.