good times

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Look who's 1 !

More like look who's been 1 for 3 weeks now (Sorry, I've been laggin'). It was Presto's 1st birthday last month and he had his birthday party two Saturdays ago. The party was huge! Preston's grandparents hosted the party and we dominated the outside patio at BJ's Pizzeria. Here are some birthday party highlights.

The Birthday Boy
The Flying Birthday Boy
Tons of birthday gifts and lots of time being held by everyone.
Dang!  Look at all those gifts!Presto with Auntie Jojo.
Photo cakes are definitely my favorite. Look how great his turned out!
That's a good lookin' cake !
...and someone's got to eat the cake.
Yummy cake.
For all 17 pictures, go here.


Miss Lala said...

AAARGG!!! make the pain stop! every time you post about presto, i end up in pain because he is so cute it hurts!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for next year! Then he'll really be two cute :) Happy birthday, Preston!

Anonymous said...

Preston I am so sorry that I could not be there! I so wanted to see you at your first birthday party! And I missed Jakers....I am super bummed.

And Preston really is too don't do him justice.