good times

Monday, April 24, 2006

Parking fun.

One of the things we like to do here at work is to park our cars in such a way that we can prevent our fellow coworkers from being able to get into their cars. Today we were doubly successful as we were able to get Dobby's car (the silver Celica) AND Michael's car (the black 9-2x). The best part of it was that Michael was in on the prank until I decided to block him in. And now he can't even get in through the hatchback since he's up against a concrete wall. Check out our parking job:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay this is had people in my office cracking up.

Poor Michael....he was helping out and then you go and do that....awesome! That does make it double funny that he has a hatch back and it doesn't help him in this case. It would have been funny to watch him get into his care via the hatch back though.

Did they have to wait for you guys to leave?