good times

Friday, March 03, 2006

Happy Talk in Third Person Day !

It's 3/3 and Ti3P is here! Celebrate the world's newest holiday by referring to yourself in the third person all day! Russell quickly woke up this morning and was instantly put in the third person, as was Joanne. Russell and Joanne's early morning conversation did not involve the words: I, me, we, us, or our.

To celebrate, you can now go to to get to the official website. Russell wants you to tell your friends!

Enjoy the day!


Miss Lala said...

Lara may have lost some future business today because she was being stupid and said "Lara says good morning" as a regular client walked through the front door.

Lara decided not to try and explain, as it may have simply caused more damage.

Despite her set backs this morning, Lara is still a fan of Ti3P!

Anonymous said...

Glenn spread Ti3P day to San Jose!

This morning, Glenn and Denise spoke in third person through all of our IMs. Also, Glenn talked to his friend at intel and she said that she will help spread the word there too!

Long live Ti3P!

Anonymous said...

Glenn spread Ti3P day to San Jose!

This morning, Glenn and Denise spoke in third person through all of our IMs. Also, Glenn talked to his friend at intel and she said that she will help spread the word there too!

Long live Ti3P!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Gige goofed!

"This morning, Glenn and Denise spoke in third person through all of our IMs."

It should be: "This morning, Glenn and Denise spoke in third person through all of *THEIR* IMs."