good times

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

For my peeps...

As some of you know, I am in charge of the candy bowl here at work. This duty requires year-round commitment to maintaining an ample supply of candy to my nearby coworkers. This also means the candy bowl is stocked with candy themed by the current or upcoming holiday. Everyone knows that the day after Halloween passes, Christmas starts, and as soon as Christmas ends, Valentine's starts, then Easter, then 4th of July. Then there's maybe a month or two when the market doesn't impose another holiday on the American public. Then, before we know it, the mother of all candy holidays returns...Halloween.

Anyway, it's Easter time (even if you're non-Christian). Bring out the bunnies, the eggs, the chicks. It's also time to bust out the Peeps! No, I myself do not enjoy eating Peeps, but I am fascinated by who likes them...fresh or stale. So, two years ago, I bought some Peeps and kept one of them out (they're not too popular). I let it hang around until the following Easter when I bought it another companion. Now there is yet another new Peep in the mix. You can see the 3 Peeps here: 2 years old on the left, 1 year old in the center, brand new on the right.


Oh, and then there's mother Peep behind the kids. 2 year old Peep is rock solid...1 year old Peep is very hard, but with a discernible softer core...brand new Peep is already getting a little hard. You can even see the progressing color fade. Look at how bright brand new Peep is!

No, there's no plot here. Just giving the Peeps the recognition they deserve.

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