good times

Monday, February 27, 2006

Talk in Third Person Day !

It's coming! I've talked to a few people in the past about creating "Talk in Third Person Day." Well now it has become a reality. This Friday, 3/3, will be the first annual Ti3P Day. The rules are easy. Just talk in the third person all day long. Russell thinks it's a great idea. Russell thinks you'll have fun. Russell wants you to spread the word! It's only 4 days away!

I even started a website. For more info go to:


Friday, February 24, 2006

What is the Origami Project ?

What's this website all about?


Crab and Sushi

That's what we've been up to this past week. Boy, have we been busy.

On Monday, we celebrated Joanne's dad's birthday at Captain Jack's. He is a huge crab fan and Captain Jack's has huge crab.



Michiko didn't mess around either...she ordered the gigantic Prime Rib that is just about unfinishable in my opinion.

We got our dad a new digital camera for his birthday. Now they can finally move away from film. Now that's exciting.


And then last night, Joanne paid her first visit to Chomp Sushi in Fullerton. I went there for the first time with Jeff back in September. On Thursday nights, you can have All-You-Can-Eat sushi for only $20! And dang it's so good!

Chomp Sushi in FullertonReady to eat !

Bring on the hamachi !

Here comes the plate of yellowtail! We pretty much stacked up on pretty much all the yellowtail, salmon, unagi, and crunch rolls we could fit in!

The final sushi count for us was: Jeff (40), Russell (32), Joanne (22), and Stacey (9). Joanne made a good showing and I ate exactly the same amount as last time!

Our final tally.  32 to 22!

That's enough food for now. Say goodbye to Mr. Puffer.

Say hi to Mr. Puffer.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Happy Birthday, Brian.

Yesterday we celebrated Brian's birthday which meant we made a photo cake for him. This is the picture that was on it. Don't ask.

Happy Birthday, Hayashi.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ferrari Enzo !

I feel the need to report some bad news despite our blog's title. This is not good times. Apparently some guy was driving his Ferrari Enzo in Malibu and was racing against a Mercedes Benz SLR on PCH. Well, that's the fun part. The Enzo didn't's now in several pieces. From what I understand the SLR was okay. Just so you understand, it's a $600,000 Mercedes and a $1,000,000 Ferrari. And they only made 399 Ferrari Enzos. Well, I can't stand to look at banged up or destroyed exotic cars, so here's a picture of a tip-top Enzo. Very nice.


For more on the story, check out this article. (LINK)

Merry Christmas !

What? It's never too late to celebrate Christmas, right? This past weekend we got together with our relatives in Davis to celebrate a slightly belated Christmas. You can say we did it to beat the holiday traffic, but then again, we delayed it to Presidents' Day Weekend. Not too smart. Anyway, it was a great time and we just hung out all weekend. Yeah, everyone played Pounce (card game) again.

Of course...Pounce.

We even had our annual gift exchange where we can steal gifts from each other. The rules: each gift can only be stolen once per round and a total of three times before it's frozen. (I'm just writing it down now since we always forget) Look at the pile of gifts!

Look at all the gifts!

Merry Christmas! This weekend must be New Years then, right?

For all 16 pictures, check out our album. (LINK)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


If you've ever played a game called Incredible Machine, this is very similar. You just move around the different devices to make the ball hit the target. Good fun! (LINK)


Monday, February 20, 2006

Ice Dancing. Seriously?

The Olympics. It's everywhere. You can't avoid it. Everyone's watching it. So are you. NBC has you in the palm of their hand. You may be watching downhill skiing or snowboarding or figure skating and just when you want to see what happens next...they cut to a different event...probably one you don't care much about. So, that's where I was this past Friday night. We were watching some Combined Slalom skiing when they cut to Ice Dancing. Dang. Ice Dancing has to be the lamest event in the Winter Olympics. Criticize curling all you want, at least it's funny. In individual figure skating, you have triple axels or even quadruples. In pairs figure skating, you have challenging aerial throws. Take away all the elements of risk and challenge and you have Ice Dancing. Seriously. We watched one couple just skate around the rink in their funny outfits and their ice skates never left the ground. Unbelievable. It was virtually impossible to make a mistake. When they did the play-by-play review, the commentators said, "See how their hands seem to be grasping tightly? They look less comfortable out there. That's what the judges are looking for." Case closed.

Apparently they do have some Ice Dancing events where the guy lifts the girl off the ice just a little. Well, this is what happened this weekend.

For more ice dancing action, go here.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Happy Birthday, Chang Up !

Chang turned 28 today. Happy Birthday, Up!


Friday, February 17, 2006

Oprah is pissed !

It's a great followup to the "Tom Cruise killing Oprah" entry.
Hit the play button on the bottom left.

(No, it's not real)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lego Star Wars II !

Okay, so it's not out yet, but they just announced the development of the sequel to the Lego Star Wars videogame. The first game was awesome and this one will cover the original trilogy. They said they will have a mode where you can mix up different characters and end up with some unique characters like Chew Vader, Stormbacca, and Leia Wan Kenobi.

How great would Darth Yoda be?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day !

What? Is it too early for that? Well, Joanne and I celebrated our Valentine's Day this past Thursday night. It was a great evening.

Flowers for my wife.

Our Valentine's gifts to each other was probably all the furniture we've been buying recently. Don't we get boring after being married? But Joanne did make time to make me these awesome Valentine's cards. Cards? Yup, one from her and one from Buster. She did a great job, but I'm sure Buster helped her out quite a bit. No, you can't read what's inside. :)

Homemade Valentine's Cards!

That night, we went to have dinner at Crustacean in Beverly Hills. It is a Euro-Vietnamese seafood restaurant. When you go through the restaurant, you'll walk along this pathway that is an underground aquarium. It's pretty cool to see the koi fish swimming right under your feet. (Not the best if you are buzzing from the alcohol).


The reason I took Joanne here was the Roasted Cracked Crab, their signature dish. Very garlic-y and oh-so good. The garlic noodles on the side complete the perfect meal. Check out Mr. Crab:

Roasted Crab from Crustacean

It was a great evening and I made plans to check out some other spot in LA, but we felt so satisfied with our dinner experience, we decided to check it out another day. Yes, we're getting old. :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you, whenever you choose to celebrate it. (It was sure great avoiding the Valentine's Day chaos) And say hello to our Valentine's Tree.

Our Valentine's Tree

Thursday, February 09, 2006

How does Netflix do it ?

They won't tell you everything, but here's some of the details of how they handle 150,000 DVDs each day.

Mini Games

This website has miniature versions of a few old Atari games. Check them out! These are actual size. (18x18 pixels)


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sweet Basketball Video

Maybe I need to get some DC shoes....and learn to skateboard....and learn to play basketball. (LINK)


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Google won't quit.

GmailTalkGoogle's Gmail is getting a new enhancement very soon. Chat! Within the same browser window, you can see who is online and chat with them. It'll even keep a record of your conversations. (LINK)

And there's been enough talk about Google's attempt to compete with PayPal as an online payment system. It's GBuy time. (ARTICLE)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Steelers and Seahawks vs. Kobe

I'm sure you all were watching the Super Bowl yesterday. But did you place any wagers down? Apparently about 5 billion dollars are gambled on the Super Bowl. I had to get in on the action.

So, here were my proposition bets:

1. Final score for the Steelers would be an even number.
2. Kobe Bryant's total points (+ 6.5) will be more than the total score for the Super Bowl.
3. Kobe Bryant's 3-pointers will be more than the total field goals made during the Super Bowl.

So, the battle was on. Kobe (in the game against the Hornets) vs. the Steelers and Seahawks.


The results:

The Super Bowl score was 10-21 (31 total) and there was only 1 field goal. Kobe had 35 points and 5 three-pointers. I won both Kobe bets! (and lost the third bet)

And to top it all off, I won a Super Bowl pool, too!

KROQ streaming online !

Now you can listen to KROQ and Kevin and Bean on your computer! Check it out! (LINK) - Click on the "Stream" button on the left side.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Super Mario Brothers !

Remember, how great Super Mario Brothers was? Remember how great the music was? Now you can synthesize your own Super Mario Brothers music! (LINK)


Thursday, February 02, 2006

T-Shirt Folder

Thought this was pretty cool. Watch the video to see how it works. I gotta try making one of these. (LINK)


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Birthday, Steph !

hApPY version 1

Hope you have a great day, Steph!

I found this cool website that lets you spell anything with pictures of letters. It uses pictures from people's Flickr accounts (that's what website I use to host all of the pictures on our website). Try it out yourself!

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