good times

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Jack's got teeth!

I just got word that Jack has two little teeth growing on the bottom row. I guess that explains the unhappy patch he had for a few days. But now that they're out, he's ready to go! Teething also explains his new-found fascination for his thumb. Lots of quality time is spent with his thumb.
Thumb TimeThumb Time

Jack loves quality time with his mom and grandmothers. Mom with Jack:
Mom and Jack

Jack with his two Grandmas:
Our moms at the Yamada Wedding

Jack napping with Great Grandma Grace:
Great Grandma with Jack

Jack loves his carrots. He's eating so much more now!
Jack loves carrots!

And he really loves playing with his feet. Look he's got both of them!
"I got both my feet!"

Toys are getting more and more interesting now that he can grab them so much better.
Jack and Mr. Giraffe

And don't forget that he still loves to sleep.
Naptime in the car seat

Jack hopes you all have a great day!
Hi Jack!


Anonymous said...

Jack I can't believe you have 2 teeth now! I can't wait to see you!

Joanne I am so sorry.

Chang Kim said...

Hilarious, Steph. As a guy, it took me a couple seconds...

Gina Fujikami said...

Cute pictures! Keep them comin'.