good times

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Anyone who went to go see Transformers, surely saw the trailer for the mysterious J.J. Abrams movie now referenced on the internet as "Cloverfield" or "1-18-08" (the supposed theater release date). Is it Godzilla? Is it related to Lost? Hopefully, we'll soon find out. Either way, I don't know how a movie like this can possibly be completed in secrecy within such a short time. And for now, they have a website: with just a single picture posted. Here's a completely legal version of the trailer:

UPDATE: Official trailer posted on Quicktime here.


Chang Kim said...

Dude, yes, I saw this! Have you heard anything about it? I was totally perplexed, but definitely intrigued.

Miss Lala said...

a 2nd photo is up now... and it's bizarre.

dude, why did you mention LOST? i had wiped it from my brain for the time being and now i miss it again. =(