good times

Monday, November 27, 2006

The Smurfs Trilogy

La La La La La LaJoker Smurf
Isn't that smurfy news? Apparently they are working on a new Smurf movie for 2008, which will be the first of a three part series. A Smurfs Trilogy! Rumors are hoping John Lithgow will voice the character of Gargamel. The movie is supposed to be CG, which is a bummer since I was hoping for regular cartoon animation. But, I'll take it.


Anonymous said...

Sweet - I love the smurfs!!!!

Anonymous said...

No way! A Smurf movie! Okay I thought everyone forgot about the Smurfs. Awesome...a movie...I love them too!

CG...does that mean like the Hulk? Where they try to make it look real? Smurfs are not real and are cartoons...should stay cartoons.

John Lithgow as Gargamel? So they are not trying to make Gargamel sound like the original Gargamel? Gargamel's voice is so hoarse and scratchy....that's not John is it?