good times

Thursday, November 30, 2006

10 Fun Facts

You're supposed to learn something new everyday. If you are having one of those monotonous days, you can at least say you learned 10 things:

1. Beetles taste like apples, wasps like pine nuts, and worms like fried bacon.

2. Of all the words in the English language, the word 'set' has the most definitions.

3. There is a city called Rome on every continent.

4. The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump.

5. One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.

6. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

7. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

8. Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a "Friday the 13th."

9. Coca-Cola would be green if coloring weren’t added to it.

10. The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006

Double Thanksgiving !

We're still recovering from the massive Thanksgiving meals from this past weekend. We had two full-on Thanksgiving meals. Our first was at Glenn and Michiko's house. Our second was at our house. Both had huge turkeys and both resulted in lots of eating. What a great weekend.

Thanksgiving with Glenn and Michiko.Thanksgiving at our house.

Just wanted to thank everyone for all the fun we had. Especially in helping us eat that 20 pound turkey!

Our family of 3.Pounce!

The Smurfs Trilogy

La La La La La LaJoker Smurf
Isn't that smurfy news? Apparently they are working on a new Smurf movie for 2008, which will be the first of a three part series. A Smurfs Trilogy! Rumors are hoping John Lithgow will voice the character of Gargamel. The movie is supposed to be CG, which is a bummer since I was hoping for regular cartoon animation. But, I'll take it.

UCLA is #1 !


UCLA basketball moved up to #1 in this week's Associated Press poll! The top 5 was rounded out by Pittsburgh, Ohio State, Florida, and Kansas. UCLA basketball has claimed this spot 129 times in its history, the most of any school in the nation. The last time UCLA was ranked #1 was in 1994-95 when they took the national championship title. (LINK)

UCLA is currently 4-0, and recently defeated #20 Kentucky and #19 Georgia Tech to take the Maui Invitational championship. Go Bruins!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday

Did you do any shopping?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Casino Royale

I thought this movie was great. Didn't have all the gadgets that I'm used to in a Bond film, but much more solid action. I was definitely skeptical of Daniel Craig, but I thought he did a great job bringing it back to more of a Sean Connery type of James Bond. I recommend it for the Thanksgiving weekend if you want something fun to watch.


There may have been a lack of gadgets, but they did have the new Aston Martin DBS. Ahh...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Robot Chicken

Time to start off your morning with some great Star Wars comedy. Check out these two clips from Robot Chicken.

"Luke, I am your father." (LINK)


George Bush the Jedi (LINK)


Friday, November 17, 2006


I really like this game. It's just like toy where you stack rings on the pole. It's all about moving the pieces around and creating stacks of rings. Kinda like Tetris (stack 4 high to get more points)! Make sure to top off each set with a yellow ring. (LINK)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

PS3 !

PS3So, no one here is camping out all week to get the new Playstation 3? Stores across the country have had huge lines of people camping outside waiting for midnight tonight or 8am tomorrow morning when they release the Playstation 3 to the public. People are great. Here's a video of one of the lines outside of Best Buy. I especially like the guy who is willing to allow people to go to the restroom while they wait in line. So kind. (LINK)

UPDATE: Hooray for PS3 violence! (LINK)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

UCLA Basketball season has begun !

Tonight, UCLA plays against BYU to start off the 2006-07 basketball season. Last year, UCLA made it to the championship game and are ready to dominate this year as they're ranked #6 in the nation.

Eddy and I went to the first preaseason game this year against our alma mater, Cal Poly Pomona! We were pretty pumped to see Cal Poly play, until we saw exactly how awful they were. UCLA played great, but only had their "A Team" on the court for about a quarter of the game. Here are some highlights:

Arron Afflalo with a breakaway dunk!
Afflalo with a breakaway dunk!

Josh Shipp, who was injured all last year, will be a critical player this year.
Josh Shipp is back!

Luc Richard Mbah a Moute (best name ever) rejects Cal Poly at the rim. Fantastic.
Rejected !

Alright...I did manage to catch Cal Poly cutting in and scoring on the inside. Much better than their desperate attempts from the 3-point line.
Cal Poly scores !

Get the rebound !

Jordan Farmar (now with the Los Angeles Lakers) came to check out the game.
Jordan Farmar on the sidelines.

And my favorite memory from last year's NCAA tournament. UCLA upsetting Gonzaga in the Sweet 16 matchup. The best last 40 seconds ever. Complete with the breakdown of Adam Morrison.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Free Cold Stone's !


Well, after you buy one, you get one free.

Check out the coupon (good until the end of January). (LINK)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Wanna feel rich?

I know you do. (LINK)

The Office (Exclusive Producer's Cut)

If you're as big of a fan of The Office as I am, maybe you'd enjoy watching the exclusive producer's cut of the last episode where they almost closed the Scranton branch. It includes great deleted scenes! (LINK)

And have you heard of the other Spiderman 3 trailer that leaked out? It has Venom at the end! (LINK)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Spider-Man 3

Check out the new Spider-Man 3 trailer in high def! Be a bandwidth hog...130MB! (LINK)


Or download the 67MB version here.

South Park, Decaf coffee, Shotgun, and our Halloween Tree

One of those random days...

The most recent South Park episode opens with Cartman who can't stand the 3-week wait until the new Nintendo Wii releases. His solution is to freeze himself for the 3 week duration, but an avalanche keeps him frozen for 500 years. Brilliant. Wanna watch? (LINK)


CoffeeBeansSo, what's up with decaf coffee? It came up in conversation the other night. How much caffeine is in a cup of decaf coffee? 6 cups of decaf coffee contains roughly the same amount of caffeine as a single cup of regular coffee. Did you know that decaf coffee represents about 18% of all coffee sales? Also notable is that most of the caffeine removed from coffee is used to caffeinate soft drinks and medicine.


Everyone (mostly guys) thinks they know the rules of calling "Shotgun." The most recent debate was regarding the timeframe when shotgun can be called. Is it when you are on your way to the car or is it when you actually see the car? This website (LINK) creates a solid set of rules for the game of Shotgun. So when can you call shotgun? You must be on the way to the car and you must be outside. That's the way I used to play growing up, but then people changed it to when you can actually see the car. Debates anyone?

And I had a special request from Amy to put up a couple pictures of our Halloween tree. Joanne and I are quite proud of it (despite others' criticisms). Check it out! Great improvements since last year.

Our Halloween Tree

Our Halloween Tree

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Now I practically like this song. The Office is bringing sexyback.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


BritneyKFedIf you didn't know already, Britney Spears and Kevin Federline filed for divorce today. Huge disappointment. Huge. I don't know what to say. I still can't believe it. If Britney and K-Fed can't stay together, then I don't know if there's hope for any of us.

What is to happen to K-Fed's shining career? I guess he'll get half the money so he can still fund his brilliant music and acting career, because he's not going to get very much from his concert Saturday night that only sold 300 (of the 1500) seats. He took the stage 3 hours late and by the time he completed his 1.5 hour set, only about 100 people were still in attendance. I guess people aren't down with his new "Playing with Fire" album (apparently it's horrible). At least he ended with a heartwarming note: "Everyone get drunk! That's what I'm going to do!"

Back to the divorce: if you don't believe me, here's the paperwork so you know it's official.
